Monday, 11 February 2008

Random Thoughts

Had been to water the plants this morning.. n wow! I saw quite a few flowers, in the otherwise mostly green garden. There were roses of all colours.. red, pink, yellow, orange.. I guess spring is finally here, after the long winter. Ahaan!! Now I know.. these business minded people make good use of this time. It’s just so easy to please someone with a flower right? No wonder.. Valentine’s Day is celebrated around this time of the year!! Hmm.. fine. Everyone has the freedom to do what they want, whenever they want. If only anyone could get me a green rose, I thought.. (of-course a non tinted one) ;)


The New Age Superhero said...

i dunno why flowers are rated as cute etc.. i think i'd expressed my views on this before on ur blog :P

Snehal said...

yes, i very well remember that.. and still have no answer to convince you.

The New Age Superhero said...

yeah.. its quite pointless.. i just wont get it :S

Anonymous said...

There is so much going on in my mind right now.. well who else can figure it out better than u? anyways v had 3-4 green rose plants in our gurukul. i wish i could get them 4 u.nicely written.good to read.

Snehal said...

:) thanks for the roses.. which u would have got me.. they'r cute..hehehe.. I just hope Sukrit doesn't start thinking about this cute thing again!! :D

The New Age Superhero said...

alrt.. dogs - not cute.. puppies.. cute.. human beings - cute.. all these things i understand

piglets - cute... flowers - cute.. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND! :P

The New Age Superhero said...

arey.. sukbrick acha thaa.. sukrit kya kiya! :P

Snehal said...

arey, kabhi idhar kabhi udhar..
ok u like sukbrik.. fine. ur wish will be granted!!

The New Age Superhero said...

hehe.. merci :P

Snehal said...

no no.. no mercy, it's your right.

The New Age Superhero said...

i meant thanks :S.. this is really a shameful way of increasing comments numbers man :P

Snehal said...

then comment on the topic.. but don't say anything about the cute flowers.. because that wasn't the motive behind writing this post.

The New Age Superhero said...

hehe.. alrt alrt.. was just kidding man